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Password strength: Weak Fair Good Strong Very strong
128-Bit AES Encryption Protected
How to protect a PDF file with a strong password?
To set a password that can not be deleted, move the source file in PDF format to the download box. Enter the password and save the result.
Secure encryption
We do not use standard encryption. To protect your files, solutions are applied, hacking which is almost impossible in normal conditions.
What password to create
For better protection of your files, it is recommended that you select passwords that are random combinations of 7-8 different letters and numbers.
Protect PDF from any OS
You can put a strong password on a PDF file using any operating system, whether it's popular versions of Windows or Linux, Mac.
Securely store files and passwords
The downloaded and protected documents are stored on the server for an hour. They are transmitted through a secure SSL connection.
Encoding in the Cloud
Files are password protected on a cloud server - you do not need to download any third-party software from the Internet.